The most significant factors that affect how well your pages perform in search engine results pages (SERPs) are backlinks and content.

If anything, this demonstrates that backlinks are extremely important and should be treated as such.

Knowing how your backlink profile looks is the first step in giving your site's backlinks the attention they deserve. To put it another way, you would need to look at your backlinks to figure out where you are and where you should go next.

A free backlinks checker tool helps with this.

About Backlink Checker by Small SEO Tools Our free backlinks tool allows you to thoroughly examine your website's backlinks.

Even though it was created by Small SEO Tools (SST), this free backlink analyzer is fully integrated with the engine of Ahrefs to pull and display a comprehensive backlink report for any website or web page that is currently active.

Perform a backlink audit for any website to find out where your backlinks are coming from. Look at your best-performing content to see which keywords or pages are bringing you the most backlinks. Look at your rivals' most valuable backlinks and their backlink profile to find patterns and potential link building opportunities.

What specific metrics can this tool dig up?

Well, the tool does more than just show you a list of your site's backlinks because backlink analysis is integrated with Ahrefs to provide the best results.

It displays the URL of the specific web page linking to your website.

You can see the exact anchor text that was used in the link back.

The Ahref Domain Rating of the domain linking back to your site is displayed to you.

It informs you of the type of link, such as whether it is Nofollow or Follow.

You are presented with the option to examine the website's Ahrefs URL Rating.

But there's more. Our free backlink tool provides you with additional relevant metrics, such as:

The overall number of backlinks pointing to your site, the total number of referring domains pointing to your site, organic keywords, organic traffic, the amount of Dofollow links on your site, the number of incoming links from other number of Nofollow links on your site, and the total number of referring IPs are all factors in the Ahref rank of your site. And guess what? You can get them all for free.

Backlink Checker typically only displays the top 100 backlinks pointing to your domain in the initial report, with one link per domain. 

How to Use Our Free Backlinks Checker Our tool is surprisingly simple to use. To make use of it, you don't have to be an SEO or tech whiz. 

Step #1: You are currently on this page

Step #2: Enter your URL in the space provided. This might be the primary domain for the website's home page or the URL for a particular page, such as a product page or the URL for a blog post. You may choose whether the tool should provide links to every page on the site or only the one at the URL you supplied.

Step #3: Click the "Check Backlink" button. You might need to complete a CAPTCHA depending on your request. In such case, go ahead. Once you have finished the three stages, the tool will instantly display the results along with all of the metrics covered in the previous section. The report is available for download if you choose.

Most other backlink checkers only provide a small number of results per page (like 10). However, you can see the top 100 backlinks to a single URL with our link checker. Additionally, you can select additional views.

AD As previously stated, our tool provides you with more than just backlinks. As we have shown you in the preceding section, it also collects and displays additional essential metrics.

WHAT TO DO WITH THE INFORMATION Now that you have all of the information about backlinks, what should you do with it?

The top five ideas are as follows:

Optimization for Search Engines: The most profitable use of backlinks is probably improving your search engine optimization (SEO). You will be able to see how to best improve your backlink profile for higher search rankings and increased search traffic with the information that our online backlink tool provides you with.

Recovery of a Lost Link: You can locate and recover lost links using the data our tool provides. Examine pages with 404 errors and inbound links. By using a 301 redirect, you can make sure that people who visit your website and search engine spiders go to the right page.

Audit of Competitors' Backlinks: Examine your rivals' link profiles to find opportunities to boost your own link building and search engine performance. In order to avoid missing out on Building Relationships: When conducting a competitor backlink audit, you must also check the inbound links pointing to pages with high rankings. To build relationships that are even more beneficial to you, follow up with people who link to your sites. You can also use this tool to locate dependable influencers with established page authority who are related to your business. They might be able to help you reach the people you want to reach and get you a useful link in the process. Find out who is linking to them or who is linking to them using this tool. Contact them and talk about ways to get a link or two from them using the information our tool gives you.

Improve Your Backlink Profile: You can see the quality of sites linking to yours with this website link checker. You can choose to focus on credible websites while eliminating low-quality ones.

You will also be able to determine which areas of link building (such as guest blogging, social bookmarking, blog comments, etc.) are the most beneficial to your website. All of this helps you create a link profile of higher quality.


Backlinks are links that point to your website from other websites. It is also known as incoming links or inbound links.

A website typically performs better in search engine results pages when it has more backlinks. Also, the quality of your backlinks matters a lot when it comes to ranking higher.

How? Each backlink is seen by Google and other search engines as a kind of recommendation. Therefore, the degree of trust that search engines place in your website will increase in proportion to the quantity and quality of the backlinks that point to it. And in the end, the higher your rankings are.

Therefore, when creating backlinks, don't just focus on the number of links. Instead, prioritize relevance and quality as well. Most of the time, they target websites with a domain authority that is at least as high as your own. Check with our free domain authority checker.)

Your SERPs rankings will suffer if your site has a lot of spammy or low-quality backlinks. To put it another way, having ten natural, high-quality backlinks is preferable to having one hundred low-quality ones.

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